- 20% of all sales in FREE jewelry
- Up to 4 items at hostess bonus price ($15 unless otherwise marked in the catalog)
- Up to 5 items at 50% off
So here are 10 signs you need to host a lia sophia party:
- You have half the catalog on your wish list. If you want it all, you might as well pay (next to) nothing for it!
- Your girlfriends are constantly remarking how amazing your jewelry is. If you're setting the trend, I'll bet you'd have no trouble recruiting guests for your party. Plus, you can help me out with my fashion consulting.
- You've been looking for a way to get a diverse group of friends together. It can be awkward to do without a theme and purpose. When all your friends have something in common to do - shop - it's a lot easier to keep the conversation flowing.
- You have a bunch of holidays and birthdays coming up. Take care of your shopping on lia sohpia! Between your free items, hostess bonus items, and half-price discount, you will get a lot more mileage out of your holiday budget.
- You've already been to a bunch of lia sophia parties as a guest. Now it's time for you to benefit from your social circle's jewelry addiction!
- Your jewelry collection is outdated but your bank account is empty. You don't have to spend a dime to host a party. We can do a catalog party or host the event in a restaurant and guests can pick up their own tab.
- You haven't had a "girls night" since you were in college. Once you get out of the "girls night" groove, it can be hard to jump back in. Hosting a lia sophia party gives you the content of the night - you just supply the company!
- You're a super good baker, chef, or mixologist. What better excuse to show off your skills?
- You get a little jealous every time one of your friends hosts a party and gets free stuff. No need to be jealous when you can easily do the same thing!
- You think you could maybe be a lia sophia Advisor one day. First of all, you can! Second of all, hosting a party gets your foot in the door. You can watch the Advisor and see whether you can picture yourself doing what she's doing. If the night goes well, you can turn your party into your "starter party," and you'll be well on your way to success!